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Happiness Program and Accompanying Guides

Get The Complete 3 Days To Happiness Program and Accompanying Guides for$27(limited time offer)

Start Enjoying The Benefits of Happiness Today
- less depression
- better health
- reduced anxiety
- better sleep
- more success at work
- improved relationships
- more friends

Regular $39.95   Today 

What you get with 3 Days To Happiness

3 Days To Happiness covers a vast amount of information about happiness, but these are the highlights: 
  • Discover the myths about happiness and why happiness is possible today.
  • Learn proven happiness principles people around the world have applied to find happiness. 
  • Access step-by-step happiness activities, daily schedules, and program guides to help you be happy. 
  • Learn how to bring happiness into your life naturally by releasing natural endorphins inside you that create a natural high. 
  • FREE BONUS: 3 Days To Happiness Workbook
  • FREE BONUS: 3 Days To Happiness Pocket Guide 

Is Happiness Achievable? 

Many think happiness is out of reach but that is not true. Happiness is achieved by applying proven methods…principles that stand the test of time. The 3 Days to Happiness Program will teach you positive psychology principles together with step-by-step activities that are proven to generate happiness. 

Get ready to be happy.

You've Probably Thought: 

“I would be happy IF I was better looking.”
“I would be happy IF I had a bigger house.”
“I’ll be happy WHEN I get a new job.”
“I’ll be happy WHEN when I lose weight and get in shape.”
“I’ll be happy WHEN I make more money.”
“I’ll be happy WHEN I retire.”

What's powerful is you can be happy whatever circumstance you're currently in. You can learn to experience joy, excitement, exhilaration, and lasting satisfaction.

Side Effects That Will Amaze You 

The 3 Days To Happiness will create happiness in your life plus these powerful life-changing side effects: pain relief, reduced anxiety, less depression, improved health, improved relationships and marriage, more friends, more success at work, better sleep, and more excitement for life.

Learn How To Release A Drug Inside You That Creates A Natural High

Tap into a natural drug that is already inside you but you just need to learn how to release it. These natural endorphins are available anywhere, anytime that you can learn to release in your body to generate instant happiness. You will feel a rush of excitement, a renewed energy, a natural high that comes from releasing the natural drug inside you.

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7Tips To Make Fat Burning Meals

My name is Diana Keuilian, I’m the creator of Family Friendly Fat Burning Foods and today I’d like to share with you my top 7 Tips To Make Fat Burning Meals.

Wouldn't it be great if all your favorite comfort meals naturally promoted fat loss? I think that would be awesome.

My old favorite comfort meals were fried fish tacos, fully-loaded veggie burritos, angel hair pasta with mizithra cheese and cheese-smothered veggie burgers with fries. Yummmmmmmm! Unfortunately these old favorites brought on rapid fat storage.

Due to my love of food, in my twenties I went from a size 4 to a size 12. 

In my frustration I tried portion control, and began to limit the amount of foods that I ate. This began a yo-yo cycle of eating less food one day, more the next, and never seeing the results I wanted.

Over the past few years I've read countless books on nutrition and have finally landed on the formula for creating meals that promote fat loss, and taste good while doing it. 

Oh and this method of eating has effortlessly brought me back to that size 4 :)

This is what I discovered...

Fat Burning Tip #1) Focus On Protein
The base of a fat burning meal is a healthy serving of quality, lean protein. Choose from organic, hormone-free chicken, pork, beef, lamb, veal, fish or eggs.

No wonder I was gaining weight! Most of my favorite meals had very little to do with protein. After giving up meat at age 12, I spent the next 18 years as a junk food vegetarian. Most of my meals were made up of processed grains and sugar.

Why is protein so important? Protein supports and fuels your lean tissues, namely your muscles, and does not have an effect on blood sugar levels, which would promote fat storage. 

Fat Burning Tip #2) Ditch Grains and Refined Sugar
A fat burning meal does not contain a serving of grains or starches. Yes, I realize that this goes against everything that we have been taught or experienced with dinners. Most meals are plated with a jumbo serving of noodles, pasta, potatoes, rice, has been breaded or is served with bread, tortillas, chips or buns.

As I learned the hard way, these carbs are more than we need, and end up being stored as fat. And, yes, it is possible to create fat-burning dinners that satisfy even the hungriest meat-and-potatoes members of your family.

This was the hardest part for me to get used to. Grains and sugar are filled with fat-promoting carbs, and as you saw above, my favorite meals were all carb-ed out. 

There's really no reason, other than habit, to eat grains or sugar on a regular basis. Once I removed these from my diet, and got out of the habit of eating them, I no longer craved or even found my old favorites very appealing.

Fat Burning Tip #3) Bring On The Veggies
After you remove the grains and sugars from your meal, add a bunch of fiber-filled veggies instead. One of my favorite things to do now when building a fat burning meal is to get a bowl, add a few handfuls of organic spinach and arugula, and then top it with protein and some cooked veggies. Add a light homemade dressing and you're looking at the perfect, quick fat burning meal. 

Fiber-filled veggies are important for many reasons in addition to the fiber. They are filled with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which your body needs.  They are also very low in calories compared to the amount of space that they take up in your stomach. So you'll get full faster on fewer calories.

Fat Burning Tip #4) Quality Ingredients
Ingredients are the building blocks to a healthy meal so pay attention to the quality of the ingredients you use. Fast food just isn’t going to cut it! Be willing to spend a little more on the foods that you eat. Quality is much more important that quantity.

When choosing meat look for organic, antibiotic and hormone-free. Avoid processed meats, like lunchmeats, as these contain potentially harmful additives and lots of salt. Also avoid highly processed soy fake meats.

Choose foods that are:
  • Fresh, organic and seasonal
  • Pronounceable ingredients
  • Whole foods

Fat Burning Tip #5) Use A Healthy Cooking Method
The method in which you cook your meal determines how many calories, how much added fat, and the number of nutrients that survive.

Don’t prepare meals like this:
  • Fried and battered
  • Processed and packaged
  • Doused with cream sauce

Choose these cooking methods:
  • Grilled
  • Baked
  • Broiled
  • Steamed

Fat Burning Tip #6) Cook With Coconut Oil
I used to always cook with vegetable oil, never realizing how harmful it was to my fat loss efforts. Unfortunately most people use harmful, unstable and fat promoting oils when they cook.

The good news is that coconut oil is an amazing, healthy oil that not only tastes great but also helps promote fat loss. Among its many benefits, coconut oil is stable, even at high temperatures. It’s filled with lauric acid, which boosts the immune system and helps ward off infections.
Best of all, coconut oil has been shown to increase metabolism and thyroid activity, which boosts fat burning.

Fat Burning Tip #7) Enjoy Dessert of Fresh Fruit
When is the last time that you bit into a fresh, organic, perfectly ripe piece of fruit? Delicious, wasn’t it? I used to overlook fruit as the perfect dessert that it is, and instead would eat artificially flavored, cane sugar sweetened, processed desserts that encourage rapid weight gain and declined health.

I’m not going to say that ice cream and chocolate don’t taste awesome, because they do. But eating desserts like that on a regular basis is one of the big reasons that I kept gaining weight back in my twenties. By making the simple switch from refined sugar desserts to desserts of organic, fresh fruit I was able to lose weight without feeling deprived. 

Let’s bring fruit back to its rightful place as our favorite, most popular after-dinner sweet. Out with the refined sugar and corn syrup and in with Nature’s sweetest gift…fresh fruit.

Hope that you have enjoyed these 7 Tips To Make Fat Burning Meals. I’m walking proof that this way of eating truly delivers results without deprivation or boring, bland meals.

I love food WAY too much to give up flavorful, delicious dinners, snacks and desserts. In fact, I’m so passionate about creating fat burning foods that, for the first time ever, I’ve put all of my best recipes and eating secrets together into a full Family Friendly Fat Burning Meals program.

This system has over 100 of my family’s favorite fat burning recipes – which I used to effortlessly reverse the weight I had gained in my twenties. It’s tasty stuff like Chicken Enchiladas, Baked Chicken Nuggets, Make-Your-Own Tacos, Healthy Brownies, Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies and much, much more.

Here’s a page where you can learn more about my Family Friendly Fat Burning Meals Program

I’m excited to hear your fat loss success story. Good luck, and enjoy all of those tasty recipes :)

Get Instant Access NOW Program NOW

How To Lose Weight Fast Without Diet Pills Or Exercise!

The 3 Week Diet

I have always been what most would consider a “big girl”. In January 2014, I weighed 180 lbs (around 82 kilograms), which is quite overweight for a woman my height. I wasn’t always this weight though. In my teenage years, I weighed only 140 pounds and I felt much healthier and happier. 

I strived desperately over the years to get back to this weight. But with a stressful and busy work life, I struggled to do so. Nothing seemed to work for me. I tried everything from diet pills to exercise machines I saw advertised on TV. I even tried crazy diets like the acai berry diet, and the green tea diet. They didn’t do anything for me. I was still overweight and considered myself ‘fat’.

That all changed in March 2014 though. I lost a staggering 23 pounds in only 21 days using an extreme diet I found online called The 3 Week Diet. I came across this diet after I read a news article about a famous Victoria Secret model who was using this exact same diet to lose loads of fat in preparation for photo shoots. If it worked for her I thought, shouldn’t it work for me?

I immediately started searching on Google and managed to find the official 3 Week Diet website. There, I watched a video by a professional nutritionist who revealed step-by-step what was needed to lose weight quickly. I was shocked, because noone had ever told me this information before! I had visited personal trainers, dieticians, and doctors, and in all these years, noone had ever told me these dieting secrets!

The next day I began the program. At first I thought it would be really difficult and that I would have to starve myself to see any progress. Boy was I wrong! I pretty much ate whatever I was eating before, but I made sure to eat it at the specific times when my metabolism was burning a thousand times faster than usual. I also made sure to include the secret fat burning foods listed in The 3 Week Diet with every meal. These things combined made the fat literally melt right off my body! How did I know what times my metabolism was burning fat and what foods to include in my diet? Well, Brian from The 3 Week Diet had laid it all out for me as soon as I joined the website. It couldn’t have been easier!

On the first day alone, I lost 2 lbs (around 1 kilogram). The next day, I lost a massive 3 lbs! By the end of the first week I had lost around 10 lbs (4.5 kilograms)! That was much more than I had anticipated. I thought I would lose around 5 lbs max! But 10 lbs in only 7 days! That was life changing! I continued to follow the diet for the entire course of 21 days, and by the end of the diet I had lost an earth-shattering 30 lbs of 100% pure body fat!

My dreams had come true! I was now closer to my ideal body weight than ever before! I felt slimmer, sexier, and healthier! My belly fat had shrunk, my butt was firmer, my thighs were tighter, and my cheeks were no longer round and chubby! Some people barely recognized me! I loved my new body and it was all 100% thanks to The 3 Week Diet. It changed my life!

I am continuing to do The 3 Week Diet and the fat is still dropping off! I'm aiming to get down to 140 lbs and I am probably going to get there in less than a couple weeks! This diet has been one of the best experiences of my entire life. I didn’t have to starve myself, I didn’t have to take any unhealthy diet pills, I didn’t have to work my butt off at the gym, and I didn’t have to eat bland boring food! The 3 Week Diet is really the only solution out there today if you are looking for a system which shows you how to lose weight fast. It worked for me, and I know it will work for you too.

Fast Weight Loss For Men - The Solution

The 3 Week Diet

Are you sick of feeling overweight and unattractive? Do you hate the way your body looks in the mirror? Do you feel exposed when you take off your shirt at the beach? If any of these things apply to you, then I have the solution you are looking for. You see, I was just like you once. Overweight and unhappy. I hated the way my body looked. I felt fat and ugly but deep down inside, I knew that I wasn’t meant to be this way forever. I knew that if I could lose the weight, my life would improve dramatically.

I started my mission to improve myself by searching for diets to lose weight quickly. I read hundreds of articles about all sorts of diets – from low carb diets, to high protein, to soup diets, and even an “ice” diet (where you were supposed to fill yourself up by eating ice!). None of them really appealed to me or even had any proof that they worked. After all, I had tried variations of them before like Atkins and Weight Watchers, but they all failed me and didn’t allow me to shed the pounds that I so desperately wanted to lose. I haven’t always been the most athletic person, so strenuous exercise and hours in the gym didn’t appeal to me at all. I knew I had to find something else.

One day I was reading an article about a professional UFC fighter. In it, he described how before each fight, he would lose rapid amounts of fat so he could qualify for the lighter weight fights. He even said he was able to lose up to 20 pounds using his method. I couldn’t believe it. If I could lose 20 pounds in just a few weeks, all my problems would be solved. So, I did some digging and I found out who this UFC fighter’s personal trainer was. He was based in Los Angeles, so I called the trainer up and pretended that I was interested in being his client. He obviously charged a lot of money and I couldn’t exactly afford to pay huge amounts of money for training, but to my surprise, he invited me to come to a free personal introductory training session.

So, I turned up at this fancy LA gym and met with the trainer. He was this good looking, handsome kind of guy that was in perfect shape. He certainly was practicing what he preached. Anyway, we talked about my weight loss goals and what I wanted to achieve and he explained that he would definitely be able to help me. He said he knew a secret diet that he’d be teaching celebrities and professional athletes for years where they can lose over 10 pounds a week on it. The bad news was though, if I wanted to learn it from him, I would have to enroll in his 10-session course, which would cost me $500 a session. That’s $5000 all up. There was no way I could afford that.

Just as I was getting up to leave, I noticed a business card sticking out of the personal trainer’s workout logbook. It had three words on it, and those three words would change my life forever. They were ‘3 Week Diet’. I said my goodbyes to the trainer and let him know that I could not afford his classes. As soon as I was out of the gym, I pulled up Google on my phone and typed in ‘3 Week Diet’. The first result popped up was a website called ‘The 3 Week Diet’. I knew I had hit gold. The website, created by this nutritionist and scientist explained how it was possible to lose mass amounts of body fat in as little as 3 weeks. This was the exact same diet the UFC fighter I read about was on. And it was the same diet the personal trainer was trying to sell me for thousands of dollars! There it was. Revealed in all its glory. The secret to losing weight quickly. 

I started the diet immediately. It wasn’t that much of an adjustment. The diet didn’t involve starving myself or doing any sort of tiresome exercise. In fact, I barely noticed that I was even on a diet! On the first day alone, I lost 2 lbs. I knew from right then that this was going to work. I followed the diet to a T and in the first week I lost a total of 10 lbs. I couldn’t believe it. Never in my whole life had I lost that much weight so rapidly. My jeans felt slimmer and I had so much more energy and vibrancy to my personality. I continued The 3 Week Diet until the end of the 21 days, and when I stepped on the scales for the last day, I nearly had a heart attack. 25 pounds. 25 FREAKIN’ POUNDS! I had lost that much weight in only 3 weeks. I could barely believe it. I looked in the mirror, and sure enough my face was slimmer, my jaw was more prominent, my stomach was flatter, my arms didn’t have saggy skin. I was actually somewhat good-looking!

I had found the holy grail of weight loss - The 3 Week Diet. I called up Brian (the creator of the diet) and thanked him personally. He was glad to hear my success story and asked for me to email him some before and after photos so he could put them on the site. He did, and you can still see them there to this day! So there you have it. That is my story on how I lost 25 pounds in only 20 days. Before starting The 3 Week Diet, I wouldn’t have thought that it was possible. But now, seeing how I look in the mirror, seeing how I can now wear any clothing item I want, and how people treat me so much better, I know it is possible! If you are in the same situation as I was in before I started the diet, take action now! Don’t waste your time with stupid diets that just don’t work, and even if they do – they take months and even years. I stopped the 3 Week Diet over a month ago; I haven’t put on any weight since. I’ve been able to keep the weight off for good. You can do it too!

The Venus Factor Review

The Venus Factor Review

The Venus Factor is a diet and body sculpting course for women that aims to deliver a female physique with the most aesthetically pleasing dimensions. The creator of the program, John Barban, has used the Golden Mean to identify the “perfect” female measurement ratio. He calls this ratio the Venus Index, and has tailored his guide to helping women achieve it. He claims his course is much more than a weight loss program, as it goes well beyond shedding body fat. The guide is a hot seller with plenty of positive user feedback to its credit, so we took a closer look to see if it lives up to its reputation.

The first thing worth mentioning about The Venus Factor is that it is designed just for women. Barban discusses the key psychological and physiological differences between men and women at length. He claims that only a nutrition and exercise protocol designed specifically for the female physique can deliver optimal results. He takes his gender-specific approach a step farther by making the exercise and nutrition strategies customizable to individual women based on their height, weight, age and body type.

Program Components

Their are four core components that make up The Venus Factor System:

1) The main PDF manual, which can be printed out or read on any device. It contains a thorough explanation of the philosophy behind the course and step by step instructions for following the diet and exercise guidelines.

2) The Exercise Plan, which is a customized 12-week program that can be performed at home or in any health club or gym. A complete set of videos is included which shows users how to perform each of the recommended exercises.

3) The Virtual Nutritionist, which is a software application that will create a customized nutrition regimen based on the individual details you provide about yourself.

4) An Online Forum, where you can connect with other users, ask specific questions about the course and share tips and experiences with the community. Users can create and share podcasts, blog about their experiences and make friends with like-minded women.

Pros and Cons

The Venus Factor is certainly a solid program, but it may not be right for every woman. The strengths and weaknesses we found include:


The major strength of The Venus factor is that it is so easy to follow. The exercises are demonstrated and explained thoroughly in the videos, and the customized meal plans are full of healthy dishes that are easy to make and taste great. Even if you are new to the world of exercise and nutrition you will have no problem getting started and fulfilling the demands that are set forth.

Another big plus is that you do not need a gym membership or a home gym full of expensive equipment to complete the workouts. There are regimens that can easily be performed at home with only the most minimal equipment, so very little is required in the way of additional investments.

The third strength worth mentioning is that the diet program espoused by The Venus Factor does not require militant calorie counting or extreme depravation. Instead, the focus is on eating clean, whole foods in reasonable portions. This makes the regimen much easier to stick to and gets women in the habit of making smarter food choices even when they are not actively trying to lose weight.

The only real weakness of the course is that it is not necessarily the best choice for women who just want to lose a few pounds. The emphasis is on sculpting the ideal physique, which, for most women, will mean losing some fat while adding muscle to a few key areas.
The Venus Factor is a well designed program that helps women sculpt an eye-catching physique. It comes highly recommended to any woman who is serious about getting into great shape and learning how to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. While the ultimate goal of the course is quite advanced, author John Barban has made the process of achieving it approachable, even for beginners. If you want to build a stunning body with curves in all the right places, this is the course for you.

depression symptoms "schizophrenia"


Depression is a mental disorder where a person has a prolonged period of sadness, unhappiness, helplessness, hopelessness or worthlessness. These feelings often get worse over a period of time, causing a person to have feelings of self-doubt, severe despondency and dejection.
Depression is an extremely common illness. There are approximately 350 million people living in the world today who are affected by it and it is the leading cause for a visit to see a GP or doctor. Depression also has a stigma attached to it that people who suffer from it are weak which leads to them not seeking treatment - less than half of all of the people with depression are currently engaging in any kind of treatment for it. Long-lasting and moderate or severe depression can be a serious health condition. It can cause an affected person to suffer terribly, leading to problems with work, breakdowns in close relationships and lead to poor physical health.
The worst cases of depression can lead to a sufferer taking his or her own life. An estimated 1 million people worldwide every year commit suicide because of depression. Half of all the people who die by suicide have major depressive disorder.
The World Health Organization have reported that by the year 2020, depression will be the second biggest cause of premature death in the world, heart disease will be the only illness or disease that causes more. 


There are many different causes of depression. It has many different triggers and there are multiple reasons it can develop.
Personal Factors are known to trigger depression. Those who have a tendency to worry a lot, have low self-esteem, are sensitive to personal criticism, are severely overweight, perfectionists, or those with a self-critical and a negative mindset all have a higher risk of developing the condition.    
Depression has been known to run in families and some people will be at an increased hereditary or genetic risk. This does not mean that a person will automatically experience depression if a parent or close relative has had the illness though. Life circumstances and other personal factors are still likely to have an important influence.
Having a serious medical illness can trigger depression in two ways. Serious illnesses can bring about depression directly, or can contribute to depression through associated stress and worry, especially if it involves long-term management of the illness and/or chronic pain.
Drug and alcohol use can both lead to and result from depression. Many people with depression also have drug and alcohol problems. 

Symptoms of Depression

Signs and symptoms of depression include:
  • Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. 
    A bleak outlook—nothing will ever get better and there’s nothing you can do to improve your situation.
  • Loss of interest in daily activities. 
    No interest in former hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex. You’ve lost your ability to feel joy and pleasure.
  • Appetite or weight changes. 
    Significant weight loss or weight gain—a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month.
  • Sleep changes. 
    Either insomnia, especially waking in the early hours of the morning, or oversleeping.
  • Anger or irritability. 
    Feeling agitated, restless, or even violent. Your tolerance level is low, your temper short, and everything and everyone gets on your nerves.
  • Loss of energy. 
    Feeling fatigued, sluggish, and physically drained. Your whole body may feel heavy, and even small tasks are exhausting or take longer to complete.
  • Self-loathing. 
    Strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt. You harshly criticize yourself for perceived faults and mistakes.
  • Reckless behavior. 
    You engage in escapist behavior such as substance abuse, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous sports.
  • Concentration problems. 
    Trouble focusing, making decisions, or remembering things.
  • Unexplained aches and pains. 
    An increase in physical complaints such as headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and stomach pain.


The most common form of treatment for depression is the use of Antidepressant medication. Nobody can say for sure at this moment why antidepressants can alter a persons mood, because nobody knows for certain exactly how AD medication works. It is only thought that by increasing or decreasing certain chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, that this has an effect on the brains neurotransmitters.
Currently, 10% of all Americans over 12 years old take antidepressants daily, and among females in their 40’s and 50’s, that figure increases to 25%. Approximately 254 million prescriptions were written for them in America in 2010, resulting in nearly $10 billion in costs. This figure is also expected to have risen dramatically in the following years.
However, antidepressants do not cure depression, they only lessen the symptoms for a minority of people who take them. A recent report published in The Journal of the American Medical Association stated that the drugs work best for very severe cases of depression, but have little or no benefit over a placebo in less serious cases. It is extremely difficult to put an exact figure on the percentage of people who experience decreased depressive symptoms as a result of AD medication, as reports and results vary wildly depending on the people in the study and their severity of depression, and whether a study is done by an independent body or by a pharmaceutical company. It is thought though, that the overall “success” rate of the drugs is approximately 36% - slightly higher than that of a placebo.
Antidepressants are also known to have side effects for the majority of people who take them. Patients will usually experience one or multiple of the following; nausea, increased appetite and weight gain, loss of sexual desire and/or other sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and decreased orgasm, fatigue and drowsiness, insomnia, dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, dizziness, agitation, irritability, anxiety, and increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior - especially during the first month of treatment.
Antidepressants come with no guarantee that they will work, on any level of success.
Further treatment options include counselling, psychotherapy or talk therapy. This has a much higher success rate than antidepressants overall, but again the figures at hand vary wildly. The cost of seeing a councillor, therapist or psychiatrist is also very high - the average is around $150-$200 for a 60 minute session. It is not unusual for these professionals to charge upwards of $500 for an hours’ session though - and the sessions usually need to be on a regular weekly basis to have maximum chance of success. It is thought though, that because has a higher rate of success than antidepressants, that it is more cost-effective as a result. Again though, there are no guarantees of success.


It is interesting to note, that many health professionals believe there are much better ways to treat depression. Irving Kirsch, the Associate Director of the Program in Placebo Studies and a lecturer in medicine at the Harvard Medical School is quoted as saying;“Depression is a serious problem, but drugs are not the answer. In the long run, psychotherapy is both cheaper and more effective, even for very serious levels of depression. Physical exercise and self-help books based on CBT can also be useful, either alone or in combination.”
CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) has a much higher success rate than medication. Studies have shown it decreases severity of depression in most patients who maintain a CBT course, with many patients reporting they never relapsed into depression. CBT based self-help books sees an even larger percentage of success rates and numbers of people reporting to be cured, with very little cost involved - so why is this form of treatment not more widely used?.
It seems the answer is quite simple - there is nowhere near as much money to be made from curing depression as there is from helping people live with it. There is little money to be made from a healthy person, or indeed a dead person - however in sick people there is billions of dollars to be made.
Due to the pharmaceutical and medical industry's wide-reaching influence and the money involved, and due to health professionals who deal with depression and other illnesses being afraid of offering a treatment which may upset those powerful companies, very few are willing to publicize findings that depression can indeed be treated naturally, safely, extremely cheaply and in just a few weeks. One of these few researchers who dares to go against the current trend is James Gordon, a UK-based researcher and former depression sufferer, who is doing a lot of work to try to make these findings available to the general public. He is the creator of the "Destroy Depression System™", a simple, 7 step guide to self-curing depression naturally using an amalgamation of all the research done in the area, together with his own self-experimentation with which he cured his own depression.